Sunday 8 December 2013

At Home Tattoo Removal Methods

Have you been looking for a way to remove your tattoo at home with a simple natural effective way then this guide is for you,the good news is you don't have to pay hundreds of dollars anymore with 49$ yea i said 49$ let me introduce you to a natural method of tattoo removal method that can be done at home, just read on and find out, this is not about creams forget about creams Did You even Know that Most Popular Tattoo Removal Products Contain Potentially Dangerous Chemicals and Can Make your Tattoos Even More Visible?,guess you didn't know they even contain 'Hydroquinone' or TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) - a chemical that cause terrible skin damage hyper or hyperpigmentation and irritation. Despite causing blisters, they cause more troubles even if you inhale little fumes! (Check this out how even 5% TCA is corrosive and hazardous, the removal creams contain far more % of TCA) and .
  • Stop getting ripped off by pure scams and marketing hype
  • Stop wasting your time, money and energy on unproven products that don't work. Instead of erasing your unwanted tattoo, they bring dangerous side effects
  • Stop wasting your money on expensive, risky and painful laser sessions and abrasive procedures
  • Stop worrying about change in pigmentation, infection, or scarring due to surgical excision, dermabrasion, salabrasion, chemical peels, removal creams and laser
Click here to find out how to Get rid of your tattoo naturally!
Well getting rid of a Tattoo all depends on people perspective which might be for religious believes or probably you got it when you were a teenager but now you are a grown up and you later realize that what your tattoo says about you is different then you would want it off, and some other reasons might be:
  • People judging you by those unwanted tattoo?
  • Regretting a tattoo of past love, or associating you with a gang, you don’t want to be a part of anymore.
  • Obsessing in the mirror over the appearance of an undesired tattoo?
  • Unwanted tattoo holding you off from not getting the job you always wanted?
  • Wearing more clothes than you wanted to hide the tattoo?
  • Wasted time and money on expensive, painful and risky tattoo removal laser and abrasion procedures that are not guaranteed and cause skin damages?
Well whatever the reasons might be no one is judging you on why you got it in the first place. Tattoos where once considered a permanent thing but with this info i bring to you guess what all tattoos can be removed and it is Scientifically Proven Dermatologist Approved and Personally Tested. This is a top secret tattoo removal remedies that deliver fast results and are unlike ANYTHING you've ever heard of! like,here are some infos you would get :
  • How to fade and eliminate tattoo, no matter how long you've had it or..whatever color used in the tattoo
  • How to imitate common medical procedures in your own home for DRASTIC results without the huge costs!
  • Specific, step-by-step tutorials and product recommendations for treating every different type of tattoo.
  • Which common tattoo removal products REALLY work, and which ones are nothing but myth and marketing hype.
  • How to fade dark colored tattoo fast!
  • Plus a lot MORE!
Well no more talking just Click Here! to find out more and you would be glad you did.

Saturday 30 November 2013

Ways of Removing a Tattoo

Getting a Tattoo might be a cool idea for many various reasons be it for fashion or religious believes ,it all depend on peoples perspective why they want it in the first place probably you got it when you were a teenager but now you are a grown up and you realize what your tattoo says about you is different then you would want it off, and some other reasons might be:
  • People judging you by those unwanted tattoo?
  • Regretting a tattoo of past love, or associating you with a gang, you don’t want to be a part of anymore.
  • Obsessing in the mirror over the appearance of an undesired tattoo?
  • Unwanted tattoo holding you off from not getting the job you always wanted?
  • Wearing more clothes than you wanted to hide the tattoo?
  • Wasted time and money on expensive, painful and risky tattoo removal laser and abrasion procedures that are not guaranteed and cause skin damages?
Well whatever the reasons might be no ones is judging you why you got it in the first place. Tattoos where once considered a permanent thing before unless you got the temporary one,According to a 2006 survey in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 24 percent of 18- to 50-year-olds have tattoos, and 17 percent have considered tattoo removal. Regarding the temporary tattoos i mentioned above well the bad news is that tattoos are meant to be permanent, and even state-of-the-art removal techniques won't work for everyone; your chance of success varies with your skin color and the tattoo's pigments and size. commons techniques included dermabrasion, Trichloroacetic acid, 9an acid that removes the top layers of skin, reaching as deep as the layer in which the tattoo ink resides), salabrasion (scrubbing the skin with salt), cryosurgery and excision which is sometimes still used along with skin grafts for larger tattoos. Some early forms of tattoo removal included the injection or application of wine, lime, garlic or pigeon excrement.cream different homemade techniques which i would not advise because of the scar it would leave lol which you might want to get a tattoo to cover it up which is why i would not advise you to go for them just kidding. The Best option is Laser which uses pulses of light at a very high concentration to remove the tattoo. It can not be guaranteed that this will remove the tattoo 100% and is a painful procedure and can cause scarring, blisters or scabs. Although expensive, this is the safest and most effective way to get rid of an undesirable tattoos . Because each tattoo is unique, removal techniques must be tailored to suit each individual case. In the past, tattoos could be removed by a wide variety of methods but, in many cases, the scars were more unsightly than the tattoo itself.In decades past, people trying to get rid of tattoos have gone to extreme measures to de-ink. For example, one technique known as dermabrasion involves scraping away or sanding down the skin. In salabrasion, a salt solution is rubbed into the skin and heated and scraped away(home remedies). In both cases, when the area heals, the tattoo may be gone, but scars are likely to be left behind. Surgically removing the tattoo is also likely to leave a scar. The tattooed skin is cut out and the surrounding skin is sewn back together. Occasionally, doctors can perform surgical removals of tiny tattoos. Other Medical Methods: There are other methods of tattoo removal, but most of them are so painful and ineffective and i would not recommend them that is why laser removal replaced them as soon as it became available. These other methods include dermabrasion, which would actually “sand” away the top layer of skin through abrasive friction. Another method is excision, where the tattoo would be cut away and the skin sewn back together. These methods have proved to cause much damage to the skin and result in severe scarring, and are only used today in extreme cases where laser surgery is not an option .Now we come to the main deal [cost],well there is no specific price but it sometimes cost hundreds of dollar, For laser removal it might be around $170 per session and the sessions might be different for people depending on the position but surgical is even worse the cost is around $650 per wrist. But in case you are dark skinned. It's there is something called Quickfade and its gauranteed to remove your tattoo in 3 to 6 months its like $69 tho but it works for all complexions but am not totally sure just go to your nearest doctor. Alas Forget about Removal Creams - Forget about Laser and Abrasion - They are Painful, Exhaustive and Expensive there is a new thing you have not heard about,the doctors,surgeon would not tell you,no one will because they want you to pay, of course how would the make money if you dont but this technique am bringing to you invovles an effective tattoo removal that consist of programs than just some 'miracle removal cream'. To get the results you want, you need a complete system. A system consisting of most effective natural products, techniques, remedies, and more. This is the stuff you won't find anywhere else! Using this exact system you would be able to completely eliminate your tattoos in about 4 months completely. check this my post to find more How Much does it cost to remove a tattoo